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Privacy & Personal Information

I value your privacy and take steps to protect the personal information I receive. You have the right to access your personal information.

How and when is your personal information used?

Your personal information is used:

•to assess your child, provide therapy services and contact you around matters concerning your service.

•to communicate between treating parties such as your child’s GP, Occupational Therapist and/or school teacher.

•for invoicing, billing and account management

•to liaise with agencies such as Medicare; private health funds; the NDIS and plan- management agencies if/when required.

My responsibilities for your personal information:

To maintain and safe-guard your information, I am responsible for:

•protecting your personal information from misuse, loss, unauthorized access, modification or inappropriate disclosure.

•maintaining electronically stored data within a secure network.

•keeping your data up-to-date, accurate and relevant. It is important to let me know if your details change.

Please ask for a full copy of the Privacy Policy if you would like further information.

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